Alexandra Arch

Agenda for yesterday: enjoy the weather while it lasted.

We have really enjoyed many of the parks here in Singapore. Some of our favorites have been the Tree Top Walk, Henderson Waves Bridge (in map below), and Kent Ridge Park (in map below). Yesterday we aspired to go see the Anderson Arch.

The Southern Ridges

On first glance the bridge wasn’t as spectacular as the INCREDIBLE Henderson Waves Bridge – but it was still cooler than an ordinary pedestrian bridge.

Note the Lady in the purple dress in the background - apparently this is a good place to get your professional photos taken!

We took our own photos – less professional, but just as fun 🙂

Our own photoshoot

The Alexandra Bridge seems to be a bridge built into a parabolic curve with two points stuck into the ground.

Arching above Alexandra road

One of the neat aspects of this bridge is that it connects two parks: The Hort Park and the Forest Walk that leads to Mt. Faber Park. Unfortunately you could only walk part of the Forest Walk as most of it was closed for maintanence till the end of the month 😦

Forest Walk - Closed 😦

Even though you couldn’t walk all the way to the next park using the Forest Walk, you were still able to walk on it for part of the way and enjoy being in the tree tops.

Forest Walk

The part of the walk that was still open was supposed to be safe – but we were still advised about safety:

Note to self: "Avoid Eye Contact"

We never saw any monkeys, so it was never an issue…

I love how in the midst of a city filled with tall buildings and highways it only takes a minutes walk to be in nature!

Sunset & buildings rising out of the trees

We walked back to the bridge to take a few more pictures before heading to the other side of the bridge. It was really great to enjoy such wonderful weather (especially since it’s been so rainy recently) and to watch the sky turn colors as the sun set. We headed back across the bridge to take a few more pictures before leaving.

Our shirts match the sky!

We saw a sign that said the lights on the bridge would come on soon, so we decided to kill some time in the Hort Park (the garden on the opposite side of the bridge from the forest walk).

Enjoying Hort Park and each other

There were lots of little getaway spots in Hort Park. It was like a glorified garden with lots spots great for photo-ops … if the it had been lighter out. We also found a large aquarium tank in the middle of this garden with huge fish – random.

After spending enough time for the sun to set and the darkness to set we headed back to the bridge to see if the lights came on.

Alexandra Arch at Night

The other side of the bridge had colored LEDs that changed colors every 20-30 minutes, but alas, we couldn’t find a good spot for a suitable picture.

Since we are on Alexandra road, we decided to walk a little north until we hit IKEA located on the same road. We found some food to eat and a mall to walk around in so that the line for food at IKEA would shorten. We went back to IKEA to finish the day with some chocolate mousse!

One of the best ways to finish out a spectacular date!

Of course Andrew had to make me laugh and smile by getting me FOUR servings of chocolate mousse!!! He was behind me when I came with the food. He produced one cup of mousse. Then another. Then another. And finally there were four! :)He told me, “Three for you, and one for me.” (He also said it was because last time I was disappointed because we only were able to get the lonely last chocolate mousse that was available.) A tasty treat 🙂

One response to “Alexandra Arch

  1. I love this place , awesome kinda fallen in love with 🙂
    Can’t wait to visit Singapore Again 😦

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