Tag Archives: Singapore Botanic Gardens


Day 291/365: Oct 18, 2014

I’m thankful for:

  • A girls only outing to the National Orchid Garden.
  • Being greeted by my toddler when I walked in the door.
  • A great last day of the visit with our 5 dear guests.

An orchid in “Grandma Green.”


Day 281/365: Oct 8, 2014

I’m thankful for:

  • Riding the bus and exploring the Botanic Garden with newcomers.
  • The safety of chicken rice for those not inclined to spicy foods.
  • A sweet and smooth mango papaya shake to cool off.

Just one of the beauties at the gardens.


Day271/365: Sept 28, 2014

I’m thankful for:

  • The Lord connecting us with other believers regardless of locations.
  • Meeting a sweet family intending to bless & being blessed in return.
  • Our toddler hitting it off the best I’ve ever seen with another toddler.

Hanging out at the Botanic Gardens right before we met up with the other family.


Day 57/365: Feb 26, 2014

I’m thankful for:

  • A friend for Gideon, and a friend for me.
  • A picnic potluck lunch.
  • The Lord being with us before, during, and after decisions.

Great pals.

Just Me, My Sis, and G

As I write this, my sister should be almost back home to her South Carolina home. I’m going to miss her. And I don’t mind repeating myself by saying that I am really thankful for the time we got to spend together. Nor do I mind telling people multiple times that I enjoy going back over the pictures of our time together. Consequently, here’s another post commemorating Tam’s visit.

I am so grateful Andrew took time off of work during Tam’s visit. This meant that we were able to do a lot and see a lot as a family. However, since Andrew still went to work some of the days during my sis’ visit, we had some outings with just Tam, Gideon and me.

Singapore Botanic Garden

One day I had to make a “quick” trip to the pediatrician with Gideon. Since the Botanic Garden entrance is literally across the street from the Doctor’s office, it seemed like the opportune time to make a visit to the gardens with Tam.

I couldn't let her go without the iconic gate picture

I couldn’t let her go without the iconic gate picture

We walked through the garden with dark clouds ahead trying to make it to the National Orchid Garden. We hoped it wouldn’t rain since we didn’t have any umbrellas! Thankfully the only water we encountered was in the form of a beautiful manmade waterfall 🙂

Peeking at each other from different sides of the waterfall (two pics side by side)

Peeking at each other from different sides of the waterfall (two pics side by side)

The orchids were really the point of our visit. We weren’t dissapointed.

We weren't disappointed by the display of orchids

We weren’t disappointed by the display of orchids! (Tam’s pictures)

Gideon didn’t really take a nap like he was supposed to. Consequently he wasn’t as eager as we were to enjoy the flowers. Despite his crankiness, he allowed us to take some cute shots with him.

The Giraffe was also agreeable for a quick photo shot

The Giraffe was also agreeable for a quick photo shot

And we couldn’t forget a shot in front of the orchids!

Group shot in front of the white orchids

Group shot in front of the white orchids

Before leaving, we realized that I hadn’t gotten a shot of Gideon with his Aunt during our time in National Orchid Gardens. I’m glad we remembered to pause, because it ended up being a fantastic shot!

On of my top favorites of Tam's whole visit

On of my top favorites of Tam’s whole visit

It seems a shame that the orchids have become “commonplace” to me. I hardly took any pictures despite being surrounded by such lush scenery. Most of my pictures were of Gideon… and he was cranky! Thankfully my sister wasn’t entirely distracted by Gideon’s cuteness to ignore taking pictures of other things. She even kindly took a picture of me.

I'm glad she insisted on the flower prop! :)

One of the few pictures of “just me” (aka “sans Gideon”)

She insisted I put the flower that had fallen to the ground into my hair for the shot. I’m glad she did.

Swimming Pool

VBS/summer camp songs always have a pesky way of popping up in one’s head when you least expect it. One such song goes:

Swimming. Swimming.

In the swimming pool.

When days are hot,

when days are cold,

in the swimming pool.

Back stroke, side stroke, pretty diving too!

Now don’t you wish that you were in,

in the swimming pool.

Well, it might not be cold, but it certaintly hot enough to swim here in Singapore. I have often told my sister that ever she did visit me I would surely “splurge” the $1 entrance fee to the local swimming pool just for her 🙂

I had to remain good to my word, so we gladly took one hot afternoon to travel to the nearby swimming pool.

Staying cool at the pool

Staying cool at the pool (Ignore my odd look; I was avoiding a Gideon splash/wack!)

Gideon enjoyed himself for at least a half hour in the shallow wading pool while his aunt swam several laps.

I always admire Tam’s athleticism. She’s tough on herself saying how she wished her breathing technique were better and that she didn’t tire out as quick. But I’m sure she would breath better and outlast many of us even if she doesn’t improve her technique!

Chinese Garden

The Chinese Garden has become our favorite “local tourist” spot to take visitors. It’s away from the hubbub of the downtown city life, and connected with the Japanese Garden as well, you definitely get the asian feel throughout the greenery.

Decidedly asian

Decidedly asian

The last time we had been to the garden hadn’t turned out so well, but when we were here with my mom, it was a delightful visit. I was hoping that the visit with Tam would end up being more like the latter rather than the former.

Not sure how much time we would be able to spend at the garden we mapped out where we were going to walk.

"I think this would be the best way"

“I think this would be the best way”

It was decided we’d head to the Japanese Gardens first. I think our favorite aspects were the red bridges and ponds. One of the ponds was filled with what I thought were lilies.

The pond was covered with green leaves and pink flowers like these!

The pond was covered with green leaves and pink flowers like these!

My botany expert sister informed me that they were actually lotus flowers.

In front of a backdrop of a pond filled with lilies

In front of a backdrop of a pond filled with lilies lotus flowers

The weather held up nicely even though there were some dark clouds ahead. Indeed, the storms rolling overhead only produced a refreshing breeze where we were located such that we were able to traverse most of the paths in both gardens.

The breeze blowing his baby fine hair

The breeze blowing his baby fine hair

Even though Gideon only napped briefly he held up almost as well as the ominous dark clouds. (Although… I’m beginning to sense a link between Gideon’s napping habits and outings. I don’t like the link.) It could be he was experiencing some symptoms of teething which were making him irritable and less willing to take a nap. Regardless of the reason, he was determined to rally himself to spend some happy time with his aunt.

Gideon's shirt says all: "Wild about Auntie"

Gideon’s shirt says all: “Wild about Auntie”

While we were out enjoying the gardens, Andrew was hard at work finishing the last touches on a 100+ page report. It was his last day at work before our weekend getaway! I’m sorry he had to work while we enjoyed the outdoors, but I am for sure not sorry I got to do so with my sister!

In Chinese culture Red symbolizes celebration: We were indeed celebrating that  our sister/aunt was with us!

In Chinese culture Red symbolizes celebration: We were indeed celebrating that our sister/aunt was with us!